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My name is Phillip Pratt. I have been in the fiber optic industry for 30 years.


I have spliced fiber all over the country. I have spliced for a lot of different companies from telephone companies, cities, CATV, plus Fiber to the home, long haul, businesses, etc. I have spliced in state and county jails. I have spliced every kind of fiber that's out there, from unitube, loose tube, ribbon, spider ribbon, OPGW, etc.

I pride myself on my craftsmanship. My work is quality work.


I have designed several trailers to give myself and my clients the best possible outcome for their fiber splicing needs. I have also built and designed several fiber optic huts. I have taught others how to splice as well.

I know how to plow it, blow it, pull it, design it, splice it, and test it, in every conceivable environment possible. 


I have been married to my wife Candice for 32 years and am a father of four great kids. I like to spend time in the mountains dirt biking.

I want to reach out to developers and builders. They need to realize how important it is to put fiber optic infrastructure in to a new development. Fiber Optics is no longer an optional utility, but a necessity. So many times I have seen a new homeowner want internet services only to find out that their builder did not provide it in the subdivision or in the home. In the planning stages of new developments, the decision needs to be made to add fiber optics with the rest of the utilities. This is one of the most imortant decisions by the developer for the customer. 

Open access internet provider services are by far and above the best and most cost effective. Open access is where the municipality/HOA own the infrastructure and allow an ISP path to the home. This kind of competition drives prices down for consumers. In my experience, the homeowner is more than willing to add this cost into the cost of their home. Split it up between all the homeowners in the subdivision can keep costs down. Fiber Optics needs to be considered critical infrastructure. Just like power. I don't know of anyone who can do without the internet in their home in these times. So why are we not putting it in at the same time the power goes in? Why is the house not being wired for it in the construction phase?


This is where my company comes in. I can come in and install the fiber into the subdivision. I can wire each house for internet. Then when the home is nearing completion, I can splice in the ONT and the customer can have high speed internet access on move in. 


This is what happens when you have several different ISP's in the same area. Each box is a different Internet company. This is a public works nightmare, and nobody profits like this. I am proposing a better way. 


This is a wonderful sight to see!

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